Student Health Reference Links

Student Health Services provides the following links as a service to students and parents/guardians. Please check back regularly for updates and additions to this page.

Human Papillomavirus (HPV)

We are providing the link below for important required information as per the New Jersey Dept. of Health and Senior Services and the New Jersey Dept. of Health.

Human Papillomavirus  

Immunization Schedule

The link below provides a copy of the Immunization Schedule recognized by the NJ DOE for children in grades K-12.

NJ Immunization Schedule K-12

Lice (Pediculosis)

It is very important that the school nurse is notified if head lice or nits are found in your child's hair. The student must be brought to the Health Office by the parent or guardian for evaluation after treatment at home.

Please click here for an Info Sheet on Lice. 

For a position statement on lice in school children from the AAP and NSNA, click here.


Meningitis is a potentially serious infection of the blood or meninges, as detailed on the following:

Meningitis Info Sheet
Meningococcal Invasive Disease FAQ's
Preventing Meningococcal Disease


MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) is a type of bacterium that is resistant to treatment with certain antibiotics. Left untreated, MRSA can develop dangerous complications. Review the fact sheet, below, then visit the following sites and search MRSA for more information.

MRSA Info Sheet

Centers for Disease Control

NJ Dept. of Health and Senior Services

National Association of School Nurses



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