


Phone App for Schedules

Find Athletic schedules on your phone using the Activity App. To download, go to the free app store and search 'Activity Scheduler' (with the little blue baseball cap). Download the app and after opening choose 'New Jersey', then choose 'New Jersey Interscholastic Conference', and then choose Glen Rock!

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2021-2022 Middle School Athletic Handbook


Fall Athletic Forms

Athletic forms for High School and Middle School sports will be collected on the following dates:

June 15th 3pm to 4pm

July 8th 4pm to 7pm

July 21st 4pm to 7pm

August 4th 4pm to 7pm (Last collection date for High School)

August 25th 4pm to 7pm (Middle School Only)

All collections will take place in the nurse's office. 

Please refer to Letter to Parents regarding Fall 2021 for all other important information 

If an athlete has a physical on file in the nurse's office and it is within the cutoff date, then ONLY the online athletic packet needs to be handed in.

If an athlete had COVID, a Physician Clearance form will need to be submitted to receive medical clearance.

If an athlete has an epipen or asthma, all paperwork must be submitted on one of the collection dates to receive medical clearance.



*If forms are turned in late, an athlete will experience a delay in clearance.*


Students wishing to participate in athletics must submit an annual pre-participation physical evaluation form and complete the online athletic packet. The forms included in the online athletic packet are:

  1. Supplemental health history questionnaire

  2. Concussion acknowledgement form

  3. Sudden cardiac death in young athletes brochure

  4. Opioid Use and Misuse Educational Fact Sheet

  5. Sports related eye injuries flyer
  6. Parent-student handbook
  7. Transportation permission slip

  8. Student's emergency information and athletic release

  9. Athletic fee

  • Students will not be allowed to practice until proof of a physical within 365 days prior to the first official starting day of that particular sport season, the online athletic packet has been completed, the confirmation slip has been submitted to the athletic trainer, and the school physician has reviewed and cleared the student to participate.

  • The pre-participation physical evaluation form must be filled out completely. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.

  • If a student has an allergy or asthma, the proper documentation must be submitted with the pre-participation physical evaluation form in order to be eligible for medical clearance. These forms can be found on the athletics’ website or the student health services website.

  • All athletic forms must be handed in to the athletic trainer no later than the specified collection dates or the student may not be cleared to start on time.


  • All injuries must be reported to the coach, athletic trainer, and school nurse.

  • If an athlete visits with a physician for an injury, the athlete must provide medical documentation to the athletic trainer and school nurse. This documentation shall include the diagnosis, limitations and or recommendations, and include a return to play date. A referral form can be found on the athletics’ website to satisfy all requirements.

  • An athlete will not be cleared to return to activity until medical documentation has been received.

  • An athlete who is returning from an injury or an illness is required to participate in one practice before he or she competes interscholastically.


  • All athletes must take IMPACT before they can participate in athletics.

  • Athletes are IMPACT tested every two years.

  • If an athlete sustains a concussion, he or she will need to visit with a physician who has been trained in the evaluation and management of concussions. A concussion clearance form is required to be completed and returned to the athletic trainer. This form can be found on the athletics’ website.

  • Athletes who have been diagnosed as having a concussion must see the athletic trainer on a daily basis to fill out the post-concussion signs and symptoms check-list.

  • All athletes who sustain a concussion must be asymptomatic for seven consecutive days before completing the five day return to play protocol.


  • Athletes injured at practice or a game will immediately notify the coach, the athletic trainer, and school nurse.

  • The coach and the athletic trainer will complete an accident report within 48 hours of the injury. This report will be filed in the nurse’s office.

  • The athletic trainer will issue the athletic insurance claim form only upon the parent/guardian’s request.

  • Interscholastic sports insurance covers all athletes; this is a rider policy. All bills are first sent to the athlete’s insurance carrier and any remaining costs are then submitted to the interscholastic sports insurance.

  • It is the parent/guardian’s responsibility to submit all bills to the insurance companies.

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