Physical Education Exemptions
Excuse from PE Classes
Single day: Students may make their own request to sit out of PE for one day.
One week: Parents may request up to five days excused absence with a note from home.
Extended absence: Excuses beyond one week require a medical provider's note.
If a student is returning to school with a cast, brace or crutches, parents must notify the Health Office and provide a physician's note, excusing the student from PE and sports. The note must indicate the length of time before the student can return to regular activity. For those on crutches, the note must also confirm that the student has been trained how to properly use them.
If a student suffers a concussion in or out of school, a note from a physician is required and a protocol for academics and PE/sports will be followed. Accommodations will be made according to the physician's orders; if no orders are received, the school's standing concussion guidelines will be followed. After a concussion, an athlete should only return to sports practices with the approval and under the supervision of their health care provider, and then only after the Athletic Trainer completes the "return-to-play" protocol.